Exchange and Refund Policy

  • In the case of a customer receiving a damaged item, we offer replacing it with a new item or a complete refund of the amount, as the customer wishes. Please be noted that damaged items should be reported within 5 days of receiving the item.
  • In the case of a customer receiving an item with wrong size or wrong measurements that does not match with the customer’s request, we offer free alterations if possible or a replacement with a new item. Please be noted that wrong size items should be reported within 5 days of receiving the item, and should be in the original condition.
  • In the case of a customer receiving an item with wrong measurements that matches the customer’s request but does not suits the customer, we offer free alterations if possible, keeping in mind the delivery charges will be on the customer. Please be noted that wrong size items should be reported within 5 days of receiving the item, and should be in the original condition.
  • In the case of a customer changing his/her mind after receiving the item, and wishes to return it for any reason other than size and measurements, we refuse the refund or the exchange since our products are tailor made as per requests.